Ready to Take the Next Step?


"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" – 2 Corinthians 5:17

At The River Community Church, we believe that baptism is a beautiful and powerful outward expression of the inward transformation God has done in our lives. It's a public declaration of your faith, symbolizing the washing away of sin and the beginning of a new life in Jesus Christ.

Whether you're a new believer or you've recently recommitted your life to Christ, baptism is an important step in your spiritual journey. By being baptized, you're following in the footsteps of Jesus and celebrating the work of His Spirit in your heart. It's a moment to share with your church family, standing together in unity and joy.

We welcome you to take part in this incredible experience! Our baptisms are held periodically throughout the year during our Sunday services. To learn more about baptism or to sign up for our next baptism service, please contact us.


FAQs About Baptism at The River

  • What is the significance of baptism?
    Baptism represents being buried with Christ in His death and raised to new life through His resurrection. It is a powerful reminder of God's saving grace and our decision to live for Him.

  • Do I need to be baptized to be saved?
    While baptism is a command from Jesus and an essential step in our faith, it is not what saves us. Salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Baptism is an important outward sign of that inward faith.

  • Who can be baptized?
    Anyone who has placed their faith in Jesus and desires to follow Him can be baptized, regardless of age or background. We offer baptisms for adults, youth, and children old enough to understand its significance.


    Are you ready to take the next step in your walk with Christ? We would love to celebrate with you!

    Contact us today to learn more about baptism and to be a part of our next baptism service.



Baptism Interest Form

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