SOAP Journaling
SOAP journaling is centered on God’s Word. Begin by choosing a Bible reading plan, such as "A Chapter A Day," or one that works for you. Before reading your daily passage, ask God to speak to you His truth. Read the passage. Afterwards write out in your journal the verse (or verses) that spoke to you.
What truth do you see in the verse (or verses) you wrote down? What is their surrounding context? What did they mean to the original recipients? What do they mean today? Write down what you see. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and reveal Jesus to you.
How can you apply this biblical truth to your life right now? It could be an instruction to obey, a sin to repent, an encouragement to receive, an insight to reflect on, or a promise to believe. Write down your specific application. Begin your application with the words: “I will…” or “I resolve to…”
‘P’ for PRAYER
After God has spoken to you through His Word, close by speaking to God. Write out your prayer. You can give thanks, ask for help, express an emotion, or praise God for who He is. After you’re done, consider giving your entry a title so you can remember the main point later.
The entire SOAP entry is usually about a page long in your journal. It should take about 20-30 minutes to complete.